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Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden

Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden

Starting a small indoor herb garden is an excellent way to add fresh herbs to your cooking, enhance your well-being, and beautify your space. I’ve grown herbs outdoors, but I wanted to try in my kitchen, to have the plants even closer to the cooking action. Plus, the mini garden looks so cute on my counter!

Keep reading for steps to create a thriving herb garden, regardless of your gardening experience or available space.

Along with sharing my indoor herb garden, I am teaming up with other blogger friends to bring you more herb garden inspo! Thanks to Kippi at Home for organizing the hop.

Make sure to visit the other sites linked toward the end of this article!

If it is your first time visiting This Dear Casa, I hope you return for future visits! My family and I live in a 1920s home that started as a fixer-upper and is now 90% “fixed” ha ha. I love vintage goods, pretty tablsescapes, crafts, and holiday decor. Last fall I painted my potting table and I am so excited to use it for planting this spring and summer. If you are a regular reader, you will know I love our outdoor spaces, which brings us back to today’s theme of indoor herb gardens. Lets’ get started!

1. Choosing the Right Location

Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden

Selecting an ideal location for your herb garden is crucial. Most herbs require at least six hours of sunlight each day, so find a spot near a window that receives ample sunlight. Remember, herbs can also thrive indoors under artificial grow lights if needed. Keep the herbs in a room that is at least 65 to 75 degrees during the day and no less than 55 to 60 degrees at night.

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2. Selecting the Herbs

What herbs to grow indoors

When choosing herbs for your indoor garden, consider selecting those that thrive well in indoor conditions and suit your culinary preferences.

Here are a few popular choices for your Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden:

  • Basil: Perfect for Italian dishes, salads, and pesto.
  • Mint: Ideal for refreshing beverages, teas, and desserts.
  • Parsley: Adds a fresh touch to soups, salads, and garnishes.
  • Rosemary: Complements roasted meats, potatoes, and bread.
  • Thyme: Enhances the flavors of sauces, stews, and roasted vegetables.
  • Oregano: A great herb for Mexican and Mediterranean meals. Helpful to lower blood pressure.

3. Planting Techniques

planting techniques

Take note of the specific requirements for each herb you’ve chosen. Some herbs, like basil and mint, are best started from seed indoors and then transplanted outside once the weather warms up. Others, like rosemary and thyme, are easier to grow from nursery-bought plants. Follow the instructions on the seed packets or consult a local garden center for guidance.

For my own small herb garden, I purchased herb plants instead of attempting to start from seeds or cuttings.

Most herbs seems to prefer good drainage, so it’s best to use pots with a drainage hole. This means some soil will also flow out from the hole. To minimize the soil loss, I line my pots with landscape fabric scraps (as seen above).

4. Preparing the Soil

filling a pot with soil

As mentioned above, herbs prefer well-draining soil, so ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging. If you’re planting in containers, use a high-quality potting mix. For in-ground gardens, loosen the soil and amend it with organic matter, such as compost, to improve its fertility.

5. Watering and Maintenance

watering a plant

Overwatering can be detrimental to herbs, so it’s important to strike the right balance. Herbs generally prefer slightly drier conditions, so allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Regularly check the moisture level by sticking your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water.

6. Harvesting and Pruning

Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden

One of the joys of having a herb garden is the ability to harvest fresh herbs for cooking. Begin harvesting when the plants are well-established with enough foliage . Harvesting regularly promotes bushier growth and ensures the best flavor. Remember to pinch off the tips rather than cutting large portions.

I use a tray to keep supplies together and to move them easily when needed.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Like any gardening endeavor, herb gardens can face challenges. Keep an eye out for pests, such as aphids or snails, and take prompt action if necessary. Ensure proper air circulation to prevent diseases like powdery mildew. Regularly inspect your plants for signs of distress or nutrient deficiencies and address them accordingly.

Herb Gardening Beginner’s Guide

If you have never grown herbs before, Kippi at Home provides detailed steps to get you going. You will have a bountiful kitchen garden in no time!

herb garden begginer's guide

Container Herb Garden

Similar to my small indoor herb garden, you can scale up your containers or pots that can then be placed in areas of your yard with the best conditions. From Farmhouse to Florida shows us how to get a wonderful container herb garden.

container herb garden

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Hover on the image below for the Pinterest icon so that you can pin and and save this article. And definitely follow me over there too!

Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden

Shop for Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden

Cute Plant Tags for Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden

I had purchased my copper plant markers at Michael’s ages ago. They are really sturdy, but they don’t seem to carry them anymore. Below I linked some other copper options as well as fun vintage silverware plant tags and check out those blue and white ones- swoon!

More Accessories for Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden

I’ve linked trays to corral your small herb garden supplies, watering cans (the black one is a child’s can but perfect for small spaces like countertops or shelves), and twine/scissor sets to harvest and bundle your herbs for drying.

21 thoughts on “Starting a Small Indoor Herb Garden”

  1. I love your indoor herb garden! You are so right choosing the right light and location is critical which sometimes takes a lot of trial and error. I’m still trying to find the sweet spot in our house and this post inspires me to keep trying! Hugs, CoCo

    1. Thanks for reading CoCo! In our previous house we had a larger outdoor herb garden, but having a few key herbs nearby is way easier to manage. Hope you find that sweet spot!

  2. An indoor herb garden does not sound as intimidating as a large garden outside. I am not sure which room would be best though. I will have to think on it. Thank you for sharing Marie.

      1. Yours looks so cute on the counter, I am regrowing lettuce right now, starting really small Marie! LOL, but I enjoy seeing how much it sprouts each day. I swear it only grows overnight when I am not watching it.

  3. I love fresh herbs – especially in the summer! They make all the difference when it comes to preparing delicious meals with flavor. You offered some great tips and advice in your post. Now I am thinking about bringing some of my outdoor herbs – inside to my kitchen.

  4. Pingback: Refreshing Melon, Berry, and Mint Salad Recipe - This Dear Casa

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